Nearly 24/7 Customer Support +50687874083
This is very easy. I do not offer online booking right now because we offer too many products that have too many variants of time of day, availability, specific company and price for those companies. Because I like to talk with you first to be sure you are selecting exactly what you are looking for all of our bookings are done by Email, WhatsApp, Telegram, Phone, or Facebook messenger.
A small down payment is taken by Venmo @MAactivities , Cashapp $MAactivities , or PayPal Jason.Bemore@gmail.com. Cash is king in Costa Rica and is also accepted. This varies from activity to activity, company to company, but the most important part is it is deducted from the final price, it is not in addition too. This is another reason I like to speak to clients before booking.
We are an authorized dealer of nearly 40 different companies in the area. We have our contracts worked out with them so you will receive no extra charges by using Buddha Brothers as a buffer between yourself and the unregulated wild west that is tour company selection here in CR. You talk to us while we talk to the many and our many are the best of the best in the area along with local boutique secrets. We get our part directly from the companies on the back end. They take the hit so we can charge you exactly what is on their website with no surprises.
Please use any of the links to continue to booking.